Sample Essay Outlines

Here are some sample outlines for different essay types.  The first is one of two outlines for a compare/contrast essay:

Sample Essay Outline I:        Compare/contrast #1: “A” as compared to “B”

I.       Introduction explaining what you will be doing

A.     Define A

B.     Define B

C.     Define any other terms you are using

II.     Explain/Discuss A

A.     Define/justify/reference Aspect 1

1.      Example 1

2.      Example 2

B.     Define/justify/reference Aspect 2

1.      Example 3

2.   Example 4

III.  Explain/Discuss B

A.     Define/justify/reference Aspect 1

1.      Example 5

2.      Example 6

B.     Define/justify/reference Aspect 2

1.      Example 7

2.      Example 8

IV.  Conclusion: Comparison (what you have shown)

A.     Aspect 1 A / B

B.  Aspect 2 A / B


Here, your task is to compare A to B. In the introduction, you must define both A and B and explain to the reader that you are comparing them. Let’s brainstorm and use apples for A and oranges for B. So this essay is a comparison of apples and oranges.

This outline shows that there are two aspects of A and B that will be compared: aspect 1 and aspect 2. You will use the same aspects for each of the items compared. Brainstorming again, let’s say, for example, the skin of the fruit and the meat of the fruit. There will be 2 examples for each aspect for both A and B, making for 8 examples all told.

In the first paragraph of the body (beginning with Roman numeral II) we will explain or discuss apples: why we chose them, what is important about them: we might say that they are delicious, that they grow all over the country, that there are many different types of apples.

The second paragraph of the body would identify aspect 1 (the skin of the fruit) and explain why this has been chosen as a characteristic of comparison (for example, perhaps because all fruit have skins).  

Then two examples of this aspect will be given:

 For example, apple skin is red or green or yellow and apple skin is thin.

The next paragraph would identify aspect 2 (the meat of the fruit) and also justify why this has been selected as a means of comparison (for example, perhaps because this is the part humans seek to eat).


Our two examples might be the juiciness of the fruit and the crisp texture of the fruit.

After identifying your aspects and giving your examples, you then move to B, the second item of comparison (oranges). 

Once again, you would introduce oranges and explain why you have chosen them or why it is important to compare them with apples. For example, you might say that oranges grow in hot, humid climates and that the juice is a favorite of Americans for breakfast.


The next paragraph would discuss aspect 1 of B (the skin of the orange)  and provide two examples that relate to or illustrate what you are saying.  For example, the skin of the orange is orange in color and the skin of an orange is thick.


Next, aspect 2 of oranges (the meat of the orange) will be discussed, with two examples provided (perhaps that the meat is sectioned and that each section contains much juice as well as meat).


Then, your conclusion will summarize: apples are red, thin skinned, juicy and crisp while oranges are orange, thick skinned, sectioned inside and also very juicy.  Obviously, there are some similarities and differences between the two fruits and you can point these out in your conclusion.


Sample Essay Outline II:  

Compare/contrast #2: “C” as compared to “D”

I.        Introduction

A. Define C

                                          B. Define D

II. Aspect 1: Define/justify/reference

A.  Discuss Aspect 1 and C

                                          1. Example 1

2. Example 2

C.  Discuss Aspect 1 and D

1. Example 3

2. Example 4

III. Aspect 2: Define/justify/reference

A. Discuss Aspect 2 and C

1. Example 5

2. Example 6

C.  Discuss Aspect 2 and D

1.  Example 7

1.  Example 8

IV. Conclusion: Summary

Here we will once again compare apples and oranges.  This time however, we will focus on the aspect first and make our observations of apples and oranges in the context of their skin and meat. Instead of discussing apples first and then oranges and then comparing the two, we will make comparisons as we go along.

In the introduction, we start out the same way: defining our terms and explaining what the essay is about. Then, however, we move right away to aspect 1 (the skin of the fruit).  We write about the skin of fruit, its function and purpose. Then we move to the skin of the apple and provide our two examples.

Next, we discuss the skin if the orange, providing our two examples with reference to apple skin along the way.  For example, this paragraph might contain a sentence such as “Whereas the skin of the apple is smooth and red, the skin of an orange is orange in color, thick and bumpy.”

Having compared apples and oranges with reference to their skins. The next paragraphs do the same with the meat of the fruit. I can imagine a sentence similar to this: “The fruit of the apple is a crisp whole that can be cut up into any shape while the meat of the orange is sectional, soft and cannot be easily reshaped.”

Lastly, the conclusion is again similar to the first outline, providing a summary of the comparisons of apples and oranges with regard to their skin and meat.


Sample Essay Outline III:                

This essay calls for describing something, in this case, apples. The standard outline calls for three aspects selected (you could, of course, have more; the content sample shows three examples) and each will have two examples, for a total of six examples. Let us use the fact that there are different kinds of apples, that different parts of the apple are used for different purposes and that there are different ways humans use apples as symbols.

The introduction will state the purpose of the essay (to describe the apple) and define what is meant by ‘apple’. This could be a description of the fruit and a little information about the history of the fruit, such as: Is it indigenous (native) to the United States? 


                                  Descriptive Essay Subject E


Format Outline                                                                        Content Outline


I.        Introduction                                                            I. Introduction

A.     State Purpose                                                      A. Description of the apple

B.     Define Terms (Define E)                                      B. Definition of the apple

                         1. History of the apple in the U.S.

II.     Descriptive Aspect 1                                              II. That there are different kinds of apples

A.     Define aspect 1                                                    A.  different types defined

B.     Describe/apply to subject                                      B.  list of types

      C.  Example 1 (Proof/Demonstration)                           C. characteristics of the different types

                                                                                    1. Skin color (red, yellow, green)

                                                                                    2. Tastes (tart, sweet)

      D.  Example 2 (Proof/Demonstration)                        D. uses of the different types

                                                                                    1. Baking

                                                                                    2. Eating

                 3. Juice


III.   Descriptive Aspect 2                                              III. different parts of the apple are used for

                                                                                                different purposes

A.     Define aspect 2                                                      A. Different parts defined

                                                                                                (skin, pulp, pits)

B.     Describe/apply to subject                                        B. Pulp is used for apple sauce

C.  Example 3 (Proof/Demonstration)                              C. Liquid is used for making juice

D.  Example 4 (Proof/Demonstration)                              D. Mixed with flour for apple fritters


IV.  Descriptive Aspect 3                                              IV. Apples as human symbols

A.     Define Aspect 3                                                     A. Define apple as symbol’

B.     Describe/apply to subject                                        B. Apple as symbol of knowledge

C.  Example 5 (Proof/Demonstration)                              C. Apple as symbol of health

D.  Example 6 (Proof/Demonstration)                              D. Apple as symbol of preference

V.     Conclusion                                                          V. Conclusion

      A. Summary                                                                 A. Summary


Descriptive aspect 1 is the fact that there are many different kinds of apples.

·        You might list some of the types, explaining different varieties, their different consistencies and tastes.

 ·        You might explain that some apples are better for baking, others for juice and yet other varieties are best for eating.

Descriptive aspect 2 is that different parts of the apple are used for different purposes.

Your examples might be some of the different uses of apples (brainstorming: for example, apple sauce, apple fritters (pancakes), juice or just plain apples).

Descriptive aspect 3 is the different ways humans use apples as symbols. 

Brainstorming, one could come up with apples as a symbol of knowledge (as in the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge), as a sign of health (as in the expression, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”), and as an indication of preference (as in “His daughter is the apple of his eye.”)


Lastly, the conclusion could be a summary of the significant information provided, or even a statement reflecting (presenting) the significance of apples to American culture, such as the expression, “It is as American as apple pie’.






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