Aspire is a verb meaning

To desire something with eagerness; to seek to attain something difficult or rewarding or high or great (followed by to or after and, sometimes, followed by at); to long for something; to try to reach something; as in the sentence

The new immigrants aspired to learn English.

Related noun: Aspiration, which means goal.

Synonyms for aspire:

aim, aim at, aim high, aspire after, aspire to, bank on, be after, be ambitious, become airborne, claw skyward, confide, count on, covet, crave, crave after, crawl after, design, desire, destine, determine, dream of, drive at, expect, feel confident, float, fly, fly aloft, gain altitude, go for, hang, hanker after, harbor a design, harbor the hope, have every intention, hope, hope against hope, hope and pray, hope for, hope in, hope to God, hover, hunger after, intend, kite, lean upon, leave the ground, live in hopes, long, lust after, mean, nurture the hope, pant, pant after, plan, plane, poise, presume, project, propose, purport, purpose, rely on, resolve, rest assured, run mad after, seek, soar, spire, take off, think, thirst after, trust, try to reach, wish, yearn, zoom

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