
A verb meaning

1. To make capable, render capable or able someone or something for some task

2. To give strength or ability to; to make firm and strong.

3. To make someone or something able to do, or to be, something or to confer sufficient power upon someone or something.

Sample sentence: "This course will enable you to speak formal English."

Antonym: disable

Synonyms: to empower, to endow, to render competent for, to accredit, adapt, adjust, agree to, aid, allow, approve, arm, assent to, assign, assist, attune, authorize, capacitate, certificate, certify, charter, clothe, clothe with power, commission, condition, delegate, depute, deputize, empower, endow, endue, enfranchise, entitle, entrust, equip, expedite, facilitate, fit, franchise, furnish, give official sanction, give power, go along with, help, invest, legalize, legitimize, let, license, make possible, okay, patent, permit, prepare, privilege, put in trim, put in tune, qualify, ratify, ready, sanction, suit, tune, validate, warrant

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