Familiar is an adjective meaning well known or easily recognized

Synonyms on the net:

accepted, accustomed, acquaintance, acquainted, acquainted with, advocate, affable, alter ego, amicable, amigo, ancestral spirits, angel, arrogant, attendant godling, au courant, au fait, audacious, average, aware, back-number, backer, banal, best friend, bewhiskered, bold, boon, bosom friend, bromidic, brother, buddy-buddy, bumptious, casual, casual acquaintance, chatty, chummy, close, close acquaintance, close friend, cognizant, cold, colloquial, comfortable, common, commonly known, commonplace, confidant, confidante, confidential, conformable, conscious, consuetudinary, control, contumelious, conventional, conversant, conversant with, conversational, cool, cordial, corny, cozy,
current, customary, cut-and-dried, daemon, degage, demon, disdainful, disrespectful, easy, easygoing, established, everyday, fade, fairy godmother, familiar spirit, familiar with, favorer,
fellow, fellow creature, fellowman, folksy, forward, free, free and easy, frequent, fresh, friend, friendly, generally accepted, genial, gracious, guide, habitual, hackney, hackneyed, hand and glove, hand-in-hand, haymish, homely, homey, household impertinent, impudent, informal, informed, informed of, inseparable, inseparable friend, insolent, insulting, intimate, intrusive, invisible helper, irregular, loose, musty, near, neighbor, neighborly, no stranger to, nonstandard, normal, normative, notorious, obtaining, obtrusive, offhand, offhanded, officious, old hat, ordinary, other self, overpresumptuous, overweening partisan, pickup, plain, platitudinous, popular, predominating, prescribed, prescriptive, presuming, presumptuous, prevailing, prevalent, privy to, prosaic, proverbial, public, pushy, received, regular, regulation, relaxed, repository, routine, set, simple, snug, sociable, social, special providence, spoken, square, stale, standard, stereotyped, stock, substandard, supporter, sympathizer, talked-about, talked-of, tete-a-tete, thick, thick as thieves, threadbare, time-honored, timeworn, totem, traditional, trite, tutelary, unaffected, unassuming, unceremonious, unconstrained, unconventional, uneducated, universal, universally admitted, universally recognized, unliterary, unofficial, unoriginal, unreserved, unrestrained, unstudied, up, up on, uppish, uppity, usual, vernacular, versed, warmed-over, well-kenned, well-known, well-recognized, well-understood, well-wisher, well-worn, widely known, widespread

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