Pursue is a verb meaning to follow, to search for, to move further along with, to chase

address, adhere to, angle for, ask for, aspire to, badger, bait, be into, be strong in, beat about for, beau, beset, carry on, chase, chase after, chivy, come after, come behind, conduct, confine, continue, court, cultivate, delve for, dig for, do, dog, employ, engage in, esquire, exercise, feature, fish for, follow, follow up, give chase, go after, go behind, go gunning for, go in for, gun for, harass, heel, hound, hunt, hunt for, hunt up, lay siege to, limit, look, look for, look up, maintain, major in, make after, make suit to, make up to, minor in, molest, move behind, narrow, oppress, pay attention to, pay court to, persecute, persevere, persist, persist in, practice, proceed with, prosecute, prowl after, purpose, quest, quest after, raise the hunt, restrict, ride, run after, run down, search, search for, see to, seek, seek for, seek out, serenade, shadow, spark, specialize, specialize in, squire, stalk, still-hunt, string along, strive for, sue, swain, sweetheart, tackle, tag, tag after, tag along, tail, tailgate, take on, take out after, take to, take up, torment, trace, track, trail, trail after, tread close upon, try for, try to find, undertake, use, victimize, wage, woo, work at, work for

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