Ocham's Razor or Occam's Razor

This is the notion that the simplest explanation is most often the true one.

The simplest explanation is one which does not create numerous causes (or possible causes) of an event.

For example, you are driving on the freeway and you come upon traffic. You can think to yourself, "It is an accident, or just a lot of cars, or an earthquake or a movie being filmed or cops chasing a lawbreaker or visitors from outer space!"

In fact, the cause could be anything! However, the first two are the two simplest and most logical explanations. The others seek causes that are unlikely and spring only from my imagination. 

According to Occam's Razor, the first two explanations are the closest to the truth.

Scientific Truth follows Ocham's Razor: Scientific Truth may be defined as "The simplest explanation that explains all of the available facts."

Go To Truth to learn more about the scientific method, hypothesis, facts, etc.

Occam's Razor link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_Razor


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